Stamping beer health protection, for people's lives - do not hesitate!

Thứ 2, 31/10/2016, 17:01 PM
According to the survey, as well as news sources that PV has been present in the world, many countries have considered stamp beer is a "shield" effective tool in the management of contraband beer. Meanwhile, in the country, most of the ministries and the people are in favor of stamping beer to "eradicate" fake victim beer, aching contraband market.
The problem arises, why MOIT hesitate in protecting people's health when all issues have been stamped smooth beer?

The Ministry "fist" eliminate contraband beer

Reportedly, the project management capacity of the State for the production and sales of beer are made from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of 2013. Also during this period, the stamping of beer were delivered to the Ministry of Industry and Trade the Ministry for comments. And most of the reviews of this Ministry are getting positive, in favor of stamping beer beer to eliminate long, assuming the market is stirring in recent years.
According to the understanding of the PV, in Official Letter No. 1941 of the Ministry of Science and Technology has clearly stated, before the current situation in Vietnam, the control capture accurate information about the volume of beer produced and circulated on limited market. Therefore, the stamping of beer is one of the measures needed to improve the management efficiency of the fight against counterfeiting and smuggling, trade fraud in the production and sales of beer.

Representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology said the technology solutions in the beer stamping management proposals to combat counterfeiting tax losses and has high security, capable of timely traceability for each production beer on the market. The application of information management system is a new solution focused, innovative, appropriate to strengthen the management of the State for the production and sales of beer in our country in the current period.

The same opinion, when discussions with PV, a working staff at the Health Ministry said that the ministry also has a written reply, the MOIT suggestions for stamping on beer to combat counterfeiting. The Ministry of Health supports the construction of the project to enhance the State management capacity for beer products from the production, import, distribution and retail capabilities with traceability for each product . Also, if the scheme is implemented will bring benefits to consumers used the product to ensure quality and safety.

“Thực phẩm là mặt hàng đòi hỏi sự đảm bảo từ khâu sản xuất đến tay người tiêu dùng. Hiện nay trên thị trường, các sản phẩm bia, rượu đang được buôn lậu tràn lan. Bên cạnh đó, các cơ quan chức năng cũng đã phát hiện ra nhiều đối tượng làm giả bia và người tiêu dùng đứng trước nguy cơ ngộ độc thực phẩm. Tôi cho rằng, việc dán tem bia sẽ giải quyết triệt để được tình trạng này”, vị này nhấn mạnh.

Hầu hết các bộ ngành như Bộ Tài chính, Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư đều đồng tình và ủng hộ đề án nâng cao năng lực quản lý Nhà nước đối với hoạt động sản xuất và kinh doanh bia, trong đó có việc dán tem bia. Đại diện Bộ Tài chính còn cho rằng, việc dán tem bia không những đảm bảo được sức khỏe người tiêu dùng mà còn bảo vệ quyền lợi các nhà sản xuất chân chính.
Trước đó, trao đổi với PV, một lãnh đạo Bộ Công Thương cũng thừa nhận, thị trường bia Việt Nam đã và đang tồn tại nhiều vấn đề ảnh hưởng đến công tác quản lý của Nhà nước. Đặc biệt, việc thiếu thông tin chính xác về tình hình sản xuất, kinh doanh của nhiều doanh nghiệp, nhất là các cơ sở sản xuất bia vừa và nhỏ.

Besides, at the local level, the state of smuggled beer, beer is becoming fake real problem lead to tax losses for the budget. Beer contraband, counterfeit competitive environment also creates inequality between manufacturers genuine business with the tax evaders.
Many countries attach "steel shield" to all except beer, cigarettes illegally

According to the understanding of PV, the stamping of beer in Vietnam is only the project but stopped in many countries around the world have applied the stamp as a "shield of steel" to curb illegal imports of beer. In Albania, the implementation stamps / labels financial control has launched encrypted solution to prevent smuggled beer.

According to its estimates, thanks stamps, each year they were in control of about 700 million units of domestic production and imports. Project stamping beer, drinks will be implemented from January 11/2011 and 3/2012 completed in September.

Assessment of the effectiveness of the stamping of beer, the Albanian authorities said that from May 2-12 / 2012, the domestic beer production increased by 50% compared to the same period in 2011. More than 50 cases of beer contraband, counterfeit was detected authorities by the stamping of beer earlier. Meanwhile, the excise tax not paid is about $ 660,000, the penalty contraband, unidentified equivalent to nearly 1.7 million. Following 384 organizations registered economic operators, including 168 organizations registered with stickers ten tax authorities before deploying.

Similarly the effectiveness of the stamping out of beer, creating "shield of steel" for cigarettes also makes the authorities against tax losses is a huge amount. According to the Audit California (USA), 2003, the amount of tax losses due to the trade in fake cigarettes up to 292 million.

After doing the stamping out cigarettes, 2008, the tax evasion has fallen 37%. Also, according to the test at the scene, the number of seized counterfeit cigarettes has declined 73% compared to 2004. This shows that the number of illegal products at the point of drought have reduced significantly after row stamping method is performed.

Obviously, the stamping beer and cigarettes had clear evidence of effectiveness. However, the question is why ensuring the health of consumers, the interests of the genuine manufacturer has not yet been carried out.

Talking to Reporter newspaper messenger, Dang Van Xa (Xuan Tan, Xuan Truong, Nam Dinh), said: "Beer is food and drink directly affects formidable to human health if used to counterfeiting, Counterfeiters. With beer consumption figures over the years, I think, need to find a way to help people not to use every phony money. There have been countless deaths due to use of beer, wine of unknown origin. As for the people, I can be a bit more expensive to use than other products health safety is threatened daily, hourly because contraband ".
According to the understanding of the PV, in Official Letter No. 10 647 / OG-KTN of the Government Office to the Ministry of Industry and Trade specifying the agreed proposal of the Minister in writing of the policy management stamping beer products to improve the capacity of State management for production, sales of beer.

Government Office Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed, in collaboration with relevant agencies surveyed, selected vendors experienced stamps. Thereby, it should reflect clarification on issues of technology, engineering, stamping fees and related issues in the implementation of service delivery schemes.

5 years, 48 ​​people died from alcohol poisoning

Proprietary information sent to journalists from the Food Safety Department (Ministry of Health). From 2010 until 5/2015, the country happened 29 cases of food poisoning from beer, wine making, and 48 182 people suffer deaths. Alcohol poisoning is most concentrated in the northern mountainous region, Central Coast ... According to a survey by the agency, most of the wine, beer poisoning were unknown origin, the certificate does not announce product standards.